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Demo Modules (Addons)

The demo pages for MEG Venture's modules (addons) are located under this category.


  • Responsive Full Width...

    This module adds an elegant  and responsive full width image slider on your homepage. Please visit homepage to see a sample slider.

  • Virtual Products with...

    Manage all your virtual product files from a single space!

    • Both products with combinations and standard products can have virtual products with the help of this module.
  • Tax-Exempted Customer...

    This module disables tax for the selected tax exempted customer groups.

    Please login as a customer by using the credentials below. You will see that tax will not be applied to your account.

    Customer email:

    Password: demodemo

    Sign in

  • Affiliate E-Commerce...

    This module provides affliation, and allows affliate marketers to track the redirection analytics including conversion rates through Google Analytics E-commerce tracking reports.

  • Product Demo for...

    This module provides you a product specific interface for virtual product demo information and compatibility display.

  • Custom Brands Page Module

    This module replaces the standard brands page with an elegant and functional design. Especially useful if you have multiple brands.

    Please check the new brands page demo here

  • Size Chart Module

    Add size charts, size guides, size tables to your product pages. Size chart is opened on a modal window with a button click.

  • Responsive Ask for...

    This module is used to present customers an option to obtain the best quotes for the products they are looking for. Column quote form and product page quote forms are available.

  • Job Posts and Job...

    Create job posts page and with the help of regarding application form find the right employees.

    Click Job Posts Page to see active job post examples.

    An individual Job Application Page is also available.

    Each submissions are stored and managed from the backoffice.

  • Stylish Homepage...

    Select a stylish and attractive layout for your homepage with customized links. Various designs are available. A sample view of the layout can be seen on the homepage.

  • Snowflakes Module

    Create snowflakes effect on your front office. You will see that it is snowing on this demo page. There are other alternative snow designs at the backoffice configuration page.

  • HTML5 Background Audio...

    HTML5 background audio player lets you play background music on your pages with a simple user interface to control basic tasks such as stopping or lowering its volume.

    Please check the footer (bottom) of the page to see the player. The music dow not start unless the visitor interacts with the page.

  • Youtube Video Slider...

    This is a responsive youtube video slider and carousel that opens up the videos in a lightbox.

    You can see a sample slider on the homepage.

  • Customer Group...

    Assign your customers to the predetermined customer groups automatically upon their product purchase.

    You can test the module following the steps below:

    1- Purchase "Hummingbird Printed Sweater" by Bankwire option.

    2- Confirm order from the backoffice.

    3- You will see that your customer account is assigned to the "Tax-Exempted Customers" group. (The group assignment setting can be adjusted from the product editing pages)

  • Send the Virtual File...

    Present an option to your customers to send a purchased virtual file to a friend's email address.

    See the module in action by adding a virtual file to the cart.

  • Customer Account...

    With the help of this module, you can authorize the customer registration and/or by enabling the activation email option, you can protect your website from sign up spammers. 

    Please sign up to see the module in action.

  • Hide Price or Custom...

    With the help of this module, you can hide the prices and add to cart buttons for unregistered customers, for selected products or for selected countries.

  • Product Redirection...

    Add a redirection button to your product pages. Good for reference, availability check and additional information.

  • Customers (References)...

    This module adds a slim and responsive slider for your existing customers / references / suppliers / brands / manufacturers display to your shop.

    Please visit homepage and look for the "SOME OF OUR DISTINGUISHED REFERENCES" title to see the slider in action.

  • Private CMS - Customer...

    Authorize customer groups to grant access to specific CMS pages. Create private CMS pages. Good for the shop owners who want to display some special pages only to a special audience.

    Please try to visit the ABOUT US page without login, and then visit the same page by signing in with the below credentials.


    Password: demodemo

  • Smart

    This module provides synchronization of your selected categories, products, quantities and prices with your shop.

    Please visit the backoffice modules page to try the module out.


    Password: demodemo

  • Unit Quantity...

    Adds a reciprocal calculator applet to the product pages to calculate the required cartoon units, box units, etc. in terms of area/surface/volume and much more.

  • Area to Quantity...

    This module adds a convertor calculator (area to quantity) to the selected product tabs. Upto 3 calculators can be added per product.

    Please check the sample product below to see the module in action in product tabs.

  • Customer Testimonials...

    Let your loyal customers leave you video supported testimonials, manage and display the testimonials in an elegant carousel slider and on a separate testimonial page.

    Please visit the homepage footer or other pages' left columns to see the sample module in action.

  • Music Store and MP3...

    Auto-preview and sell mp3, CDs, albums and vinyl from your e-store easily. Create product audio descriptions. Mobile compatible.

    Please see the MP3 Products category page to see the module in action.

  • Quick View and Product...

    Displays quick view of products and product slider when you hover or click on the homepage/category product picture.

    * The demo of the module is limited to the below products only as this demo website is presenting other modules' demos.

  • Product Media and...

    Using this module, you can add a media like video (Youtube, Vimeo, Dailymotion), Google Maps, audio, voice supported product description, Instagram, Getty Images, custom HTML descriptions.

  • Google reCAPTCHA v3...

    The latest version (v3) of Google reCAPTCHA module protects your website from robot attacks by the help of using artificial intelligence and machine learning. Say good bye to the traditional "I am not a robot" check boxes.

    You can see the module demo in action on the Contact Us Page and Sign in/Sign up pages

  • Twitter Timeline Module

    Display your twitter timeline sliding one or more tweets at a time on your homepage, footer, columns or bottom-left button for modal window with the interactive options available to your customers.

    Please check the footer of the page to see the module in action.

  • Report Broken Links...

    This module adds a "Report Broken Link" button to the product pages for the site administrators to be aware of product page inconsistencies.

    Please check the product pages below to see the module in action.

  • Vimeo Video Slider and...

    This is a responsive Vimeo video slider and carousel that opens up the videos in a lightbox.

    Please visit the homepage footer "VIDEO SHOWCASE" title to see the module in action.

Active filters

Hummingbird cushion

Brown bear cushion

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